Mary Huang

Realtor/Leasing Agent

Work with Mary Huang

About Mary Huang

Mary was raised and currently resides in the beautiful city of North Vancouver. Holding a BBA Degree with double majors in Marketing and International Business, she is knowledgeable and proficient on using her skills in every sales transaction. With more than 10 years of experience in sales and customer service, she has strong communication skills that can assist her customers in searching for their dream homes! With specialization in buying and selling residential and commercial real estate properties, she is definitely the top agent for the job! Being efficient and attentive to details, she understands the importance of getting the job done right while putting herself in the customer’s shoes to provide the best real estate buying experience. Whether you are looking to invest or buy your first home, she’s got all the information and sources on your real estate needs!

Mary來自風景怡人的北溫,對於溫哥華的房市發展相當了解,在大學期間,Mary專攻於市場行銷及國際商務的雙主修學士學位,累積了豐富的專業知識。Mary超過十年的銷售及客戶服務經驗,更是使她練就了良好的溝通應變能力;除了Mary卓越的專業技能、他更注重客戶的需求、 細心地聆聽客戶的想法、設身處地的為客戶著想,及為客戶尋求適合的夢想家園。他盡心盡力滿足每一項客戶的條件,有效率、注重細節 ,為客戶提供最好的服務,憑藉專業的購買及出售住宅、和商業地產的能力,她絕對是您的首選房仲經紀人!無論您正在尋找投資或是尋找您的第一個家,Mary掌握大溫地區完善的房市訊息和資源,提供給您最完整的服務!

I have designed my web site with your interests in mind. Drop me a line, I’d love to hear your thoughts!

I am dedicated to selling your home or finding you that dream home you are searching for. You are invited to browse my website and call or e-mail me with any questions you have about buying or selling a home in the area.

Buying a home?

Your satisfaction is my top priority! I will take the time to listen to your needs and desires and help you find your dream home.

Selling your home?

I will get your home sold for top dollar and in a timely manner. My online and offline marketing programs give me the edge needed to make this possible.

Listings by Mary Huang